How to Use This Site 

The following is a template for how each bio is set up.

-Title: The name of the monster. Comes with a charming little quip in quotes at the bottom.

-Alias: Whatever else the monster is called. Names like "thing" and "monster" don't usually count.

-Type: This is where things get a bit complicated, as the type is determined by several categories, as displayed below:

*Mutant: Most of the time, monsters are the result of the folly of man. We just can't help but casually ignore the damage we do to the world until it shoves the results into our terrified faces. Don't be surprised if radiation is involved most of the time.

*Man-Made: The difference between this type and the mutant is that these monsters are intentional. Every now and then an over-ambitious human will see it fit to play God and unleash whatever he/she has in mind. Sometimes, it works like a charm. But most of the time, someone ends up regretting it...

*Ancient: You ever go to a museum and wonder what it would be like if all of those extinct creatures were still alive? Well don't worry, because these beasts got you covered! Whether still in their time-period or brought to the modern day, these blasts from the past don't care how archaic their practices may be most of the time!

*Natural: Let's face it, nature is always finding ways to try and screw us up, usually because our arrogant asses kind of deserve it. No shortage of lions, tigers, bears, crocs, sharks, snakes, lizards, insects, and what-not have given us plenty to work with. Now how about when nature gets out the big guns...Also applies to run-of-the-mill humans.

*Mystical: Sometimes, the phrase, "A Wizard Did It" doesn't always equate to a lousy excuse for a plot point. Indeed, the elements of the occult work in mysterious ways, and can lead to a variety of results. Alas, this also means that there is no shortage of sheer power that the supernatural can offer. For us, this is easily the most dangerous of types for its near-endless possibility.

*Alien: There's only one place out there that man hasn't quite comprehended completely, and that's the far reaches of space. For us, the possibilities of life keep us pumped for the future exploration of the starry final frontier. However, it's rather inevitable that the beings that are out there come in a mixed bag, and culture shocks are bound to happen.

*Unknown: We don't know where they came from. We don't quite know what they are. We don't even know why they're here most of the time. We also don't really care. There's a monster, and that's all that matters.

-Location: Where does the monster call home? Time for more categories-

*Civilized Area: Anywhere you look these days, humans abound. For most monsters, the concrete jungle is the perfect ground zero for whatever they have in mind. Whether it's a suburban neighborhood, a bustling city, or even a dark alley, monsters find ways to integrate into our society. Or try and destroy it. Give or take.

*Haunted Home: Home is where the heart is, and sometimes, monsters are just as introverted as we are. Unfortunately, not every home is without its intruders, and most monsters will make their permanent residence abundantly clear.

*Ocean: Despite being over 70% of the Earth, we know more about the surface than we do about the big blue. Tons of new species get discovered living in it each year. There is quite literally no limit to what can be found in the abyss.

*Lake/River/Swamp: So you believe that sea monsters are a legitimate threat. Now you probably believe that beasts located in any smaller body of water are a bunch of babies compared to the residents of the ocean. Well, why don't you tell that lake monster exactly that and see how many limbs you have left afterwards!

*Forest: Grab your camping gear and marshmallows, because we're heading to the great outdoors! The air is crisp and the trees nearly touch the sky. And hey, maybe the myriad of monsters there won't be so bad. Right?

*Jungle: One would be forgiven for considering the jungle to be a more diverse and lush version of the forest. And why not? Tons of exotic species are discovered daily in these steamy regions! It's a shame we have such a bad habit of tearing them down all the time. No wonder the natives don't want us around.

*Cave/Underground: Who needs natural light and the outdoors when there's a nice and cozy subterranean home to live in? While not always the most comfortable place for a base of operation, it serves its purpose well, especially when your prey can't see very well in the dark.

*Mountains: There's nothing quite as spectacular as a bird's eye-view of the landscape from a mountain. And some monsters have caught on to this. Away from society and sources of sheer majesty by themselves, mountains are a nice to-go place for those who seek the unknown beasts.

*Desert: What better place for a monster to call home than a parched, barren, mirage-inducing, half-scorched Hell on Earth? After all, dying of thirst shouldn't be a problem if you know where to look for it.

*Tundra: Why would anyone or anything want to live in an area where it might as well be freaking three degrees all day?! Because creatures evolved and adapted to live there, that's why.

*Eldritch Location: These are places without comprehension. Places that border on the impossible. Ones that defy the laws of logic. And yes, the void of space counts. It's best not to talk about them too much.

-Height/Weight: How big is the monster? More times than often, these are wild guesses.

-Affiliation: Is the monster one of morals? Decided by being labeled good, neutral, or evil. Though it can lean towards good and/or bad if it falls under neutrality.

-Summary: Just a brief skinny of what the monster is.

-History: The entirety of the monster's backstory and information. But there's a spot for where it all comes to a head.

-Notable Kills: If the monster has committed murder at some point in its life, it can at least do it in style! This is for when deaths by monster get interesting. And yes, a crazy guy next to a dumpster suggested we do this.

-Final Fate: Does the monster live to tell the tale, does it perish, or do we just don't know? That's for the movie to decide.

-Powers/Abilities: A rundown of all the things that put the monster above normalcy, often to its benefit.

-Weakness: The means of killing the monster, if there is any. In some cases though, you'd have to be a sick bastard for wanting to use these methods.

-Scariness Factor: Just how terrifying can these monsters be? Categories 3: The Categorizing-

*5-"Even God Can't Save You Now": There is literally nothing that could stand up to this thing. Its power is as immeasurable as the fear that it can see on you. If we were to encounter this thing, we would all probably be dead in seconds.

*4-It's Okay. I Didn't Want to Sleep Tonight": You might stand the slightest chance to beat this monster. But aside from that, find a place to hide, and pray it does not find you at any point.

*3-"Geez, Probably Not the Best Day I'm Having": This is the middle ground for the fright fest. On one hand, killing you might not require that much effort from the monster. On the other hand, there are at least one or two things holding it back.

*2-"Okay, Now I Just Feel Sorry for You": There really shouldn't be too much reason to be afraid. Maybe there's something about the monster that sticks out, but aside from that, it's kind of pathetic.

*1-"I've Seen Boy Bands Scarier Than You": The effects budget took a nosedive, the prop looks like it was designed by a blind chimpanzee, the roar sounds like a pet being strangled, the premise was bonkers to begin with, it chases people with all the speed of a snail tied to a cinder block, it looks downright cute. In short, your monster just plain sucks. Then again, a freebie for when the monster wasn't even meant to be scary at all.

-Trivia: Just two little interesting tidbits relating to the monster and/or the film it was in.