What is a Monster? 

In all of culture, in all the years that the human race has called itself the dominant species of Earth, no part of the psyche is more prominent than the one that creates monsters. Indeed, monsters are more than just things that look different to what we consider the norm. Monsters in general represent the primal fear of what we don't understand. In essence, the unknown. They are important to a healthy society because, in a way, they teach us to face our fears and prevail through the more difficult aspects in life. However, they do not just teach people fear and bravery. Monsters can very much be heroes and friends as they can be evil enemies. They are ultimately beasts of interpretation. And in our modern culture, monsters have carved out a massive niche in the world of cinema. Not only do people enjoy the inherent symbolism of monsters, but they also like to be entertained by their mere presence. On the silver screen, they influence equal fear and amazement. This site has one purpose: catalogue and archive the ever-expanding menagerie of freaks and beasts in cinema. From scary vampires to noble guardians to radiation-crazed mutants to complex robots, this site leaves almost no stone unturned. So feel free to come in and check things out. You never know what you may find...