“Hide the children”

Films: The Posession (2012)

Alias: The Taker of Children

Type: Mystical

Location: Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of an average human child.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: Your little girls are target no.1 for all the evil spirits out there. That's just a fact of life, if some of the scarier possession films are anything to go by. Why should a being explicitly stated to corrupt children be any different?

History: A vile dybbuk bent on possessing the young and vulnerable, Abyzou was imprisoned in a box specifically engineered for her kind. While she did remain in there, her influence could be felt still, and she lulled a young girl into opening it. Now within the girl, she made her into a sociopath and a harbinger of terrifying supernatural behavior. The further from the box she was, the worse she got. It got to the point where her family would pull all the stops to save her from the evil spirit.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: A holy ritual/exorcism is all it takes for Abyzou to be forced out of the girl and back into the box. It is taken away...only for a car wreck to leave the box out in the open for someone else to find...

Powers/Abilities: Abyzou can possess people and make them do all sorts of odd things, such as summon moths or gain great strength. If she's allowed in there for long enough, she will take complete control over the body.

Weakness: Holy rituals. Also, that box is capable of sealing her away for as long as it is closed.

Scariness Factor: 4-Abyzou does what all good spirits do when they get their hands on a mortal. That is, cause lots of unexplainable mayhem and psychological torment. That's not even getting into what she actually looks like, which is positively ghoulish.

Trivia: -Abyzou is a demon of European folklore often cited as the cause for miscarriages and child death. Some believe she did this as a way of getting back at the world for being infertile.

-This film is primarily based on the dybbuk box, a creepy-looking wine box sold on eBay with a little urban legend attached to it that claimed that a restless spirit was contained in there.

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Thing's cousin was quite the dastardly fellow.

It's free real estate.
Moths don't fear much. Especially not this girl's sweaters.

I mean, that must be a LARGE sweater collection.
And somebody turn on a light while you're at it!

Urgh. Too many blackberries.
Make the funniest face you can-...oh.

