“Murders and time-travel”

Films: Detention (2011)

Alias: Sander Sanderson

Type: Natural

Location: Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of an average human.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: High school is a never-ending battleground of grades, social cliques, basic decency, and most of all, the human spirit. Alas, this is often lost on most students. None probably more so than the guy dressed up as killer who set out because he was nothing more than an incel.

History: Sander Sanderson was that kind of kid. The kind that didn't know what "personal space" was, and preferred to stalk and harass his crush, Riley Jones. Angered by her constant rejection, Riley decided to kill everyone in the Grizzly Lake High School. But it just gets worse from there. He donned the alter ego of Cinderhella, a fictional movie serial killer, and when that wasn't enough, he got his hands on a GODDAMN TIME MACHINE to try and destroy all of Grizzly Lake with a bomb! Keep in mind, all this because of one rejection.

Notable Kills: Slices off a girl's head with just one arm and an axe. Without looking.

Final Fate: In the original timeline, Sander is obliterated by his own bomb, but that's before Riley sets things right and undoes most of his damage. Upon trying to kill her again, Sander's axe is taken by the time machine's gravitational pull, causing him to accidentally impale himself. Then an exchange student named Gord reveals that he's a vegetable-based alien out to get revenge against all vegans. Okay.

Powers/Abilities: None.

Weakness: Anything conventional.

Scariness Factor: 4-The creepy get-up and surprising ability with a weapon is bad enough, but then you factor in the fact that this guy's entire motivation was because he couldn't get laid. There are very real and dangerous people like this, but we don't think any have access to freaking time machines just so that they can take all their anger out on an entire school.

Trivia: -Apparently, the most expensive part of this film was the library sequence due to having to license all the music featured in it.

-This was the acting debut of Shanley Caswell.

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Whether it be high school or whatever this is, WELCOME TO HELL.
Student of the Month means even less now.
