“Once bitten, twice prehistoric”

Films: Dinoshark (2010)

Alias: None

Type: Ancient

Location: Tundra/Ocean/Lake

Height/Weight: Twice that of an average great white.

Affiliation: Neutral

Summary: Sharktopus was FAR from the only big shark hybrid of this year. Sure, he was the one that ultimately pulled through two more movies, but there was another that Roger Corman inflicted. One with a slightly higher budget even...slightly.

History: Somewhere in suspended animation within the ice caps, there is a prehistoric predator that looks like a shark with a dinosaur's head. Global warming has resulted in its freedom, and it hasn't lost its killing edge at all. Making its way to warmer waters, it quickly became the bane of all beachgoers. Soon, as it expanded its hunting turf, a few decided to try and take down the Dinoshark.

Notable Kills: Snatches a guy catching a wave, takes down a helicopter, and ruins a water-based ball game.

Final Fate: Not long after getting a grenade to the side, the Dinoshark is finally brought down when someone scores a lucky hit and harpoons its eye, causing it to bleed out and expire.

Powers/Abilities: An immensely durable hide.

Weakness: Heavy artillery, though the eyes are its only soft spot.

Scariness Factor: 3.5-The expectedly crap CGI is not the worst it's ever been at least, with a few shots looking like they gave a damn. The practical head prop is also nice, if a bit stiff. Aside from that, it's a cheesy yet intimidating design. An armored shark with the head of a T-Rex. Because even something that sounds like a child came up with it can be something.

Trivia: -Some have said that the Dinoshark is meant to be a like a pliosaur or a mosasaur. If anything, it actually more closely resembles an ichthyosaur, at least with the body. The only difference is that its head isn't quite as dolphin-shaped. That said, although ichthyosaurs are often seen as mere fish-eaters, there are some that would take bites out of their neighbors, like Thalattoarchon saurophagis, a Triassic predator that occupied the same apex predator niche that the mosasaurs and pliosaurs of the future would take.

-In all fairness, the comparisons to the Dinoshark and mosasaurs have only begun to hold some water (ha!). For the longest time, mosasaurs were thought to have eel-like tails, but recent evidence has suggested that they were actually more like those of a shark, albeit the lower half was longer than the top.

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Why go after the obvious food when you can eat the camera?

Terror within the empty sea.

First bungie jumping was death-dealing and now this?

Oh, hey! He got cuter while killing!"
Who put meth in the chum?

"THIS IS HOW I WANTED TO DIE!" We can all understand.
