
Films: Knucklebones (2016)

Alias: None

Type: Mystical

Location: Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of an average human.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: When you see a bunch of teens try to summon a demon, don't just stand there and watch. Get out! It is an inherently bad idea, and there's no telling what those idiots will accidentally unleash...

History: Do you dare summon this demon with the help of a cursed dice game? The one with the human knucklebones? If so, go to the old Nazi compound, and you will find that which is needed for the ritual. That's what some idiot teens did, and soon, the monstrous entity known as Knucklebones came violently into the world again, hunting them down one by one.

Notable Kills: Emerges through a person's torso upon being summoned, and burns through a guy's face with a blowtorch.

Final Fate: One of the survivors manages to perform a banishing ritual on Knucklebones. However, she then performs the summoning one again to take out one of her enemies.

Powers/Abilities: Immortality, resilience.

Weakness: A banishing ritual. Be warned, it requires playing the game AND cutting one of your hands off.

Scariness Factor: 4-Aside from being generally unstoppable, Knucklebones is heavily implied to have connections to the Third Reich, and is quite hideous. Also, his methods of entering the world/killing in general are not for the faint of heart.

Trivia: -Knucklebones is a real game that's said to be the ancient equivalent of Jacks. The titular bones were usually taken from sheep, not people. Whoever completes a certain amount of specific throws wins.

-Knucklebones was played by Tom Zembrod, whose extensive acting career mainly consists of similar horror films.

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Pick a murder weapon. Any murder weapon.

Must have been a bad break-up.
"It's bone-time!" "We're not doing that old meme again."

What was wrong with Scrabble?!

The script-writer got a splitting headache for sure.
Just another day of getting summoned again by the same idiots.
