“Later, gator”

Films: Creature (2011)

Alias: Grimely Boutine

Type: Mutant

Location: Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of an average human.

Affiliation: Neutral

Summary: Swamps? Ideal horror setting. Gators? Go hand in hand with swamps. Gator-men? Well, it's been done before, but it never gets old!

History: Deep within the swamplands of Fort Collins, Louisiana, there are legends of a half-man/half-alligator monster named Lockjaw. It is said that Lockjaw came into the world when an incestuous man named Grimley Boutine was driven to madness upon seeing his wife eaten by an albino alligator. He ate the gator, the remains of his wife, and everything else before somehow turning into a beast himself. Now, there are those who serve Lockjaw, and either feed unsuspecting visitors to him or offer him potential mates.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: Lockjaw's followers are killed one by one by either him or the survivors. As for him, he's knocked into a sinkhole with some people, but they luckily manage to escape with his jaw in hand. However, it is later revealed that one of them was successfully impregnated by the beast...

Powers/Abilities: None.

Weakness: Anything conventional.

Scariness Factor: 4-Lockjaw's backstory alone is a horrific thought, and his own physical appearance lives up to it. He's pretty much Killer Croc from the Batman comics if he were a rape-happy slaughterer with plenty of equally unhinged goons at his side.

Trivia: -Lockjaw was played by Daniel Bernhardt, a Swiss martial artist with a rather impressive film career. It makes sense that something as durable in a fight as Lockjaw would be played by him.

-Originally, this film was just going to be a graphic novel called "Lockjaw". The beast himself was little more than a human serial killer in an early draft as well.

Image Gallery

And a winning smile!

He would like to feast on something else entirely here.

I'm one for monster relationships, but this is where we draw the line.

No need for a brush here!
