“No time for wars”

Films: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Alias: The Alphas, the Omega

Type: Natural

Location: Civilized Area/Eldritch Location

Height/Weight: Ranges from that of trucks to something incomprehensible.

Affiliation: Neutral, leaning on Evil

Summary: Imagine being thrust into the most unwinnable war there ever was. All around you, there is a faceless enemy that multiplies faster than it can be killed. Everyone around you is cut down in seconds by monsters that you've never seen before. And then you die. Then you end up in the exact same position. And you die. And you die some more. Until you realize that there are disadvantages and advantages to what you have now. And you have the Mimics to thank for it.

History: In 2015, a nomadic race of odd aliens known as Mimics came to Earth, and pretty much trounced all of Europe where they landed. Five years later, mankind faces a losing war against them, mainly because they have plenty of more bodies to throw than we do. But all of that changes when one soldier, Major William Cage, is doused in the blood of an Alpha he killed. It causes him to die...and then come back. He has been blessed through the blood with the Mimics' uncanny ability to bend time and come back from near-death experiences, essentially giving him unlimited second chances. With some training and a finer grip on his new power, Cage could lead humanity to victory at last. But just how much of it is all according to the plans of the almighty Omega Mimic, whom shares Cage's power?

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: Cage does end up losing his abilities due to a blood transfusion, but he and his men still manage to find the Omega under the Louvre Pyramid in Paris. He very nearly dies, but many grenades later, and the Omega is blown up, the rest of the Mimics following suite. The Omega's blood revives Cage again, and he wakes up to find that the Mimics have ultimately lost.

Powers/Abilities: The Omega Mimic monitors the rest through the Alphas. If one dies, it can reset time to try the battle again. The regular Mimics are lightning fast, and can somewhat change their physical form to evade firepower. Also, the blood of an Alpha or an Omega can imbue a human with the same powers.

Weakness: Heavy artillery. Also, without the blood, no time warps can occur.

Scariness Factor: 4-Let's talk about the basic Mimics first, shall we. Here we have these bestial monstrosities that require lots and lots and LOTS of firepower before they go down, and even before then, they can already destroy you with their speed and ferocity. The Omega is even worse, being a borderline eldritch abomination that resets time on a whim and can form complex battle strategies. It's a damn miracle the human race survived this war.

Trivia: -In the light novel, it is theorized that the Mimics are in fact the muscle of a different alien race that's using them to terraform Earth and kill all humans before they move in. There is no evidence of them terraforming in the film proper.

-This film was loosely based off a Japanese light novel titled "All You Need is Kill". Surprisingly, the light novel's author, Hiroshi Sakurazaka, thought the movie was a good one. He even tried on one of the suits in it while on the set.

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So, Dark Souls for cinema.

When you suck at DOOM Eternal.

Here's the story of a little blue guy who lives in a blue world...

Live, die, burn alive again.

That's the biggest blueberry swirl ever.
The apoclaypse can't have enough cosmetics.

I utterly hate corner bosses.

"Wait, Omega's not a load-bearing boss, right?"
