
Films: Terrodactyls (2016)

Alias: None

Type: Alien

Location: Eldritch Location/Civilized Area

Height/Weight: Up to that of commercial airliners.

Affiliation: Neutral

Summary: Pterosaurs can make for some rather terrifying movie monsters. They're reptilian beasts from the past, they can take to the air, and as many recent discoveries have found, they could grow taller than any grown man. But alas, just as many dinosaurs begin and end with the T-Rex in movies, so too will they never let go of toothy pterodactyls.

History: Recently, a meteor shower near Los Angeles has been revealed to be the prelude to a new catastrophe. Those rocks were in fact eggs belonging to an alien species of predator that bears a striking resemblance to the pterosaurs of old. Now, these Terrordactyls are numbering in the hundreds, and they've already started attacking the city! It might be up to a bunch of losers to bring the invasion to a halt.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: After scores of Terrordactyls are killed, the main one shows up to even the odds. But it too is destroyed when a man lets himself be eaten while carrying an explosive tank of reactive gas, blowing the monster's head off. But even with the horde gone, there is a new meteor shower coming, one containing alien therapod eggs...

Powers/Abilities: None.

Weakness: Anything conventional, though the main one requires more.

Scariness Factor: 2.5-Even by the Syfy channel's standards, these pterosaurs don't look all that convincing. Even worse, there are aspects of them that make them look a lot more cartoonish than even the most odd of winged reptiles. The big one is a legitimate threat, but even with the troops impaling with their beaks, it's only a moderately discomforting assault.

Trivia: -Pterodactylus antiquus was a small Jurassic pterosaur, yet because it was the first pterosaur to be found, it gained lots of cultural significance. Even other pterosaurs, especially Pteranodon, get referred to as Pterodactyls often. That said, at least the ones here sometimes had the bony short and flat crest that the real Pterodactylus was speculated to have.

-As the first pterosaur to be identified, Pterodactylus was the first to be drawn. The first illustration of it was done by Johann Hermann in 1800, and it was...uncanny, to say the least, like a flying squirrel got it on with a woodpecker.

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And breed. Don't forget breed.

When all else fails, trust the Breakfast Club.
So, we want global warming to do us in instead of these guys?

"Hey, uh, did you find Petrie? He's late for the new movie."
Who said that the therapods couldn't get in on the action?

Sharknado? Please. Don't go that far.

Long live the king. Now, throw yourself off.
